<input> type Attribute

Input TypeDescription
<input type=”text”>Single-line text input
<input type=”password”>Masked text input for passwords
<input type=”checkbox”>Toggle for selecting multiple options
<input type=”radio”>Single selection from multiple options
<input type=”submit”>Button to submit form data
<input type=”button”>General-purpose button
<input type=”file”>Input for uploading files
<input type=”number”>Input for numerical values
<input type=”date”>Input for selecting dates
<input type=”email”>Input for email addresses
<input type=”color”>Input for selecting colors
<input type=”range”>Slider for selecting a numeric value within a range
<input type=”hidden”>Hidden input for form data
<input type=”image”>Input using an image for form submission

HTML input Tag

HTML <input> tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data. It’s fundamental for web forms, enabling diverse input methods like text, password, checkboxes, radio buttons, file uploads, and more. The default value accepted by the <input> Tag is text.

An input field can be of various types depending upon the attribute type. The Input tag is an empty element that only contains attributes. For defining labels for the input element, < label> can be used.

Note: The <input> Tag supports the Global Attributes & the Event Attributes in HTML.

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 type Attribute

Input TypeDescriptionSingle-line text inputMasked text input for passwordsToggle for selecting multiple optionsSingle selection from multiple optionsButton to submit form dataGeneral-purpose buttonInput for uploading filesInput for numerical valuesInput for selecting datesInput for email addressesInput for selecting colorsSlider for selecting a numeric value within a rangeHidden input for form dataInput using an image for form submission...


Attributes Descriptions type It is used to specify the type of the input element. Its default value is text. value It is used to specify the value of the input element. placeholder Placeholder attribute is used to specify hint that describes the expected value of an input field. name It is used to specify the name of the input element. alt It is used to provide alternate text for the user, if they cannot view the image. autofocus It specifies that an element should automatically get focus when the page loads. checked It specifies that an element should be pre-selected (checked) when the page loads. disabled The disabled attribute specifies that the element should be disabled form The form attribute is used to specify one or more forms to which the element belongs to.  max It is used to specify the maximum value for an < input > element. required It specifies that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form.  readonly It specifies that an input field is read-only. A read-only input field cannot be modified. accept It is used to specifies the types of files that the server accepts. align It is used to specifies the alignment of an image input. autocomplete It s used to specifies whether an element should have autocomplete enabled dirname It is used to specifies that the text direction will be submitted. formaction It is used to specifies the URL of the file that will process the input control when the form is submitted formenctype It is used to specifies how the form-data should be encoded when submitting it to the server formmethod It is used to defines the HTTP method for sending data to the action URL formnovalidate It is used to defines that form elements should not be validated when submitted formtarget It is used to specifies where to display the response that is received after submitting the form height It is used to specifies the height of an element list It is used to refers to a element that contains pre-defined options for an element maxlength It is used to specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in an element min It is used to specifies a minimum value for an element multiple It is used to specifies that a user can enter more than one value in an element pattern It is used to specifies a regular expression that an element’s value is checked against size It is used to specifies the width, in characters, of an element src It is used to specifies the URL of the image to use as a submit button step It is used to specifies the legal number intervals for an input field width It is used to specifies the width of an element (only Ifor type=”image”)...

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